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Sabbath Bible Study

[An Excursion Into Understanding That Change Is Required In All Of Our Lives]  


On an individual basis, most people tend to think of themselves as being “good”, or “decent”, persons.  One would find oneself hard-pressed to convince them otherwise.  Why, even our nation becomes offended whenever any person(s) of another nation(s) dare(s) to suggest that our nation is NOT the paragon of pristine liberty and virtue, which we like to offer ourselves as being to the eyes of the world.  Like so many other persons, and nations, of the world, we are quite hypocritical in such things.  We are NEVER as “good”, or “decent”, as we postulate ourselves to be.  We have hidden agendas, and ulterior motives, the same as other nations have, that take us far from the standards of decency that we declare as our objective, goal, and/or aim.

In the world of “Christianity”, the same can be said to be true as that in which the secular world finds itself embedded.  Many, within the churches, have hidden agendas, and are in support of that which has virtually NOTHING to do with The PURE and TRUE Things of GOD.  Many such persons seek to propose ideas, and support programs, and persons, that will undergird, and promote, their objectives, whether such objectives are always in the best interests of those that they are supposed to serve, or not.

In far too many instances, the churches, which are to be the last bastions of TRUTH, RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE, and HOPE, for the world, have become cesspools of unrighteousness, while staunchly declaring themselves to be otherwise.  They flaunt their own new-found purposes, while actually declaring YAHVEH GOD’s Purposes to be antiquated, and even obsolete.  By doing such things, we exhibit our proclivity to walk in the lack of knowledge, and understanding, regarding Righteousness, or Right-Living, concerning the lifestyle that YAHVEH GOD Has Called TRUE Believers to live.  This The Holy Scriptures call DARKNESS, which The LIGHT of TRUTH, Radiating From GOD’s Word, Will Quell.

It is this Teacher’s fervent prayer, that YAHVEH Will Illumine the hearts/minds of Great Grace Bible Study Group Members to SEE, and COMPREHEND, those Spiritual Things that our GOD Has Caused To Be written upon the pages of Holy Scripture.  Amen.

And now, as we begin our study of today’s Lesson, let us turn our hearts/minds toward acquiring that Knowledge Which YAHVEH GOD Has Ordained that we should receive, today. 


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And now, today’s Study.



Colossians 1:12  “Giving thanks unto THE FATHER, Which Hath Made us meet [properly positioned and conditioned] to be partakers of The Inheritance of the Saints in Light:”

We see, from this verse, that in order to be partakers of The Inheritance That YAHVEH GOD Has Prepared For The Saints of GOD, one MUST exist in what The Scriptures call The LIGHT.  It would seem incumbent, then, because of its essential nature, to begin gaining a greater understanding into what this “Light” happens to be for our lives.

13  “WHO Hath Delivered us [Believers] From the Power of Darkness, and Hath Translated us Into The KINGDOM of HIS Dear Son:” 

Now, we begin to gain the recognition that the opposite of this LIGHT is something called Darkness, which this verse now tells us holds a particular power over those that exist within its realm.  Those that Believe in YAH [THE HEAVENLY FATHER and Son] find themselves being Removed From this Darkness, By The Miraculous, Incomparable, POWER of THE LIVING GOD, and Are Placed Into The KINGDOM of GODThe Scripture speaks of this New PLACEMENT as being TRANSLATED, or Transferred/Transported/Changed, from one existence into another.  Do you recall WHERE you have seen this word “TRANSLATED” before? (Hebrew 11:5)   

Ephesians 5:8  “For ye were sometimes [at a previous time] darkness, but now are ye Light in The Lord: Walk as Children of Light.”

Notice the phrase “…Light in The Lord…”, Students.  This verse is presenting us with The SOURCE of The LIGHT that we now consider:  That LIGHT Is YAH.  Do not forget what is written in I Timothy 6:16, which will provide us with greater appreciation for WHO Is The SOURCE of This LIGHT.

I Timothy 6:16  “Who [The Glorified Yeshua Ha Meshiach/The Glorified Jesus The Messiah] Only Hath Immortality Dwelling In THE LIGHT Which NO MAN can approach unto; WHOM NO MAN hath seen, nor can see: to WHOM be Honour and Power Everlasting.  Amen.”


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What are a number of things that can be determined from this verse, Beloved, which we have studied in the past?  (1) This verse shows, very clearly, that NO MAN has ever gone to HEAVEN, which is diametrically the OPPOSITE of what so MANY Religionists purport, and continue to teach, to be the situation.  Read the words, again, that are written for our consideration and edification.  (2) This verse is most direct in stating that ONLY The Glorified Yeshua Ha Meshiach Has EVER Been In The PRESENCE of YAHVEH GOD, following His RESURRECTION. (3) It is also clear in saying that NO MAN can even approach That LIGHT That Is YAHVEH, Except Yeshua.  What does this tell us about all of the LIARS who write books, claiming to have DIED and gone into HEAVEN Where GOD Exists?  This verse says that such things are NOT The TRUTH!

(4) This verse says, also, that ONLY The Glorified Yeshua Has IMMORTALITY, or Lives in a deathless State of Existence.  Precious Hearts, this definitely EXCLUDES all of those that people claim have died and “gone to HEAVEN”, which would most assuredly indicate an Immortality of the Soul, which The Holy Scriptures strongly refute (Ezekiel 18:4).  Such a claim of Immortality of the human Soul simply IS NOT The TRUTH!  So, then, when Preachers/Ministers preach, and teach, such things, what are they doing if it is not LYING?  Do they not read, and UNDERSTAND, this verse?  Will you Believe these words, or will you believe the words of those that have NOT Been Called By YAHVEH GOD To Tell HIS TRUTH?  YOU must make the decision.

I Thessalonians 5:5  “Ye are the Children of LIGHT, and the Children of the Day: we are NOT of the night, nor of darkness.”

Can any ordinary light be said to have children?  Not at all, Beloved, for such a thought would be, and is, an absurdity!  Here, then, within this verse, this Teacher believes that a double-entendre [a dual meaning] exists.  While The “LIGHT” being mentioned clearly denotes a level of SPIRITUAL UNDERSTANDING that the Believer is to possess within his/her life, this Instructor Believes that the meaning of this verse goes further than merely that reality, in that it also refers directly to YAHVEH GOD, WHO IS THE LIGHT, Being THE FATHER of those that Believe.  After all, do you recall the words of Yeshua, stated in John 8:12, and 9:5?  If YAHVEH GOD Is THE LIGHT, would not Yeshua, HIS Son, Be The Light, also?  Are not THE FATHER and He ONE In ALL things? (John 10:30)  Is this not what Yeshua was declaring to us when he was in the world? (John 12:46)  As HIS Children, YAHVEH GOD Desires that we Walk as the Children of THE LIGHT, so that we will see ALL Spiritual things more, and more, clearly, and, therefore, we will NOT stumble about in darkness of Spiritual misconception and deception.  It will be just as though we were always walking about during the very


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brightest daylight.  This, we as Believing Children of GOD, will do, as long as YAHVEH Lives WITHIN us (Psalm 37:23)

I John 1:5  “This, then, is The Message which we have heard of him [Yeshua], and declare unto you, that GOD IS LIGHT, and In HIM Is NO darkness at all.” 

What is the basic meaning of this verse, Students?  It means that when persons walk in the lack of proper Biblical Understanding, such persons are NOT really The Children of THE LIGHT, no matter how vociferously they might claim to be such.  This is actually the meaning being expressed in John 16:13.  YAHVEH, WHO Is THE LIGHT, Will NEVER Allow HIS Children to walk in Spiritual Darkness.  HE Will Do EVERYTHING Necessary To ENLIGHTEN HIS Children.  Do we not understand this?  Would this not add even greater clarity to the meaning of the following verse?

Matthew 5:14  Ye are the light of the world.  A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid(den).”

If we are The Children of GOD, then we must also be Light, just as Yeshua, HIS Only BEGOTTEN Son, Is said to Be LIGHT.  How, then, can persons, who claim to be Believers, continue to walk in a lack of understanding, false doctrine, errant teaching, and the fables that so many of the modern church-world embraces, today?  How can there be so many diverse teachings IF such persons are ALL Christians, Believers, or Children of THE ONE GOD WHO Is THE LIGHT?  Would such not prove to be an oxymoron?    

16  “Let your light [lives] so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your FATHER WHICH Is In HEAVEN.”

Do you notice something quite important that is being expressed through the words of this verse, Precious Hearts?  This verse speaks of the significance of WORKS.  NEVER allow others to tell you that only YAHVEH GOD’s GRACE is necessary in living the life of a Believer, and that WORKS are not required to establish one as a TRUE Christian/Believer, for such a view/position would NOT be a correct assessment!  Why?  This verse conveys the REASON that we are to be concerned about GOOD WORKS, Students.  Such Works are to point directly back to YAHVEH, Testifying, to the world, of The POWER of YAHVEH GOD In the CHANGING of the lives of those that love HIM; therefore, it should be understood that these Works are NOT so much about us, other than to indicate that we ARE HIS


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Children, and That HE Lives WITHIN us, Empowering us to do RIGHTEOUSNESS [Right-Living]The WORKS are to TESTIFY about YAHVEH’s GREATNESS.

Think, Beloved, when we reflect upon the changes that YAHVEH Has Brought About Within our own lives, or witness the changes that HE Has Brought Into the lives of others, is this not a reason to rejoice?  When persons, who have tried, desperately, but CANNOT change themselves, ask YAHVEH To Intervene In their lives, and HE Does so, Giving them a NEW Life and a NEW Hope, as they begin to Walk in a Newness of Life, will one not Praise HIM for HIS Glorious Works?  Indeed!  This is the meaning behind Matthew 5:16.

II Corinthians 4:3  “But if our GOSPEL be hid[den], it is hid[den] to them that are lost:”

EVERYONE Has Been Given the ability to understand The GOSPEL of The KINGDOM of GOD (Romans 12:3).  If a man/woman sets aside the time, and invests the effort to consistently hear The TRUTH from that man who is Truly CALLED of GOD to Preach/Teach that TRUTH, such a person can know The TRUTH of The GOSPEL; that is, with ONE notable exception: those whom Satan the Devil has deceived.  Such a person has NO ability to distinguish between what he/she hears that is TRUE, versus that which is deception.  He/she has NO Light of Understanding residing within him/her.

“In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which Believe not, lest The Light of The Glorious GOSPEL of Christ [Meshiach], Who Is The Image of GOD, Should Shine Unto them.”

This is so often the WHY behind persons attending the meetings of this Group, the GGBSG, or some other Bible Study Group that adheres, closely, to what is written within The Holy Bible, where they will hear The TRUTH, leave, and NEVER choose to return.  Some dare to think that they have done this Group, or another, a “favor” by “gracing” us with their presences.  They fail to realize that what has happened is that THEY have received The “FAVOR”, and Have Been “GRACED” By YAHVEH GOD, for It Is YAHVEH WHO Has FAVORED them With The TRUTH, and they have chosen to rebuff it, and walk away.  They DO NOT UNDERSTAND that they are being BLINDED by Satan the Devil, and CANNOT see The TRUTH that Has Been Laid before them.  Beloved, it does NOT matter that these persons attend church services “somewhere”, even on a regular basis, for many of them are still BLIND whenever they choose to accept the fantasy, fallacy, fiction, and fables, preached from MANY pulpits, while they REJECT The TRUTH that they personally read, often verse by verse, and hear, presented directly from YAHVEH’s Word, The Holy Bible, in Groups like the Great Grace Bible Study Group


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Satan has blinded so many of them, not in their physical vision and ability to see, but SPIRITUALLY, in their hearts/minds, so that they CANNOT discern The TRUTH when they see and hear it.  They Walk in DARKNESS.


Proverbs 4:19  “The way of the wicked is as darkness: they know not at what they stumble.”

What is “Darkness”, Beloved?  How would you define it?  Would you tell this Teacher that it is “The absence of light”?  Would you declare it to be the “Inability to see”?  How would you define it?  No doubt you would be correct in what you might state, but in our consideration of today’s Lesson, Darkness is even more: it can be defined as “The LACK of UNDERSTANDING”, or “The INABILITY to UNDERSTAND”.

We observe, in this vignette of Scripture, how it is stated that “The WAY of the wicked is AS darkness…”  It is NOT really the type of darkness with which we are so familiar, for such a person/persons, as we now consider, walk(s) in the daylight and CAN often physically SEE, as well as can you and this Teacher, but their Spiritual Vision is enshrouded so that it is just as though they were blind, and were totally unable/incapable of seeing.  The Wicked man/woman doesn’t understand what it is that causes him/her to fail; that person has absolutely NO clue; but, today, we want to examine the CAUSES and RESULTS of Walking in this state we now refer to as DARKNESS.  Let us begin to explore this area, a bit, in the remaining time that we have left to spend with this Lesson.

One might choose to argue, adamantly, even vehemently, that many Wicked persons are NOT failures, as this Instructor has just suggested.  Many of them have done quite well in life, amassing significant financial fortunes, and even having considerable notoriety.  While this Teacher would not choose to dispute such a claim out of hand, this Instructor would like to turn Students’ attention to the following verse.

Mark 8:36  “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the WHOLE WORLD, and lose his own soul?”

Admittedly, NONE of us can be said to have gained the WHOLE world, no matter how wealthy such a person might become.  This Teacher thinks that we will ALL agree that Bill Gates, and Warren Buffet,


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have done quite well in amassing sizeable fortunes.  They certainly don’t have to be concerned with paying the light/heating bills each month.  However, if it is TRUE that a man is a living soul (Genesis 2:7) that can be lost, Eternally (Ezekiel 18:4), what will the entire wealth of the world matter to the person faced with such an end?

Mark 8:37  “Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?”

Precious Saints of GOD, IF one could bargain with YAHVEH GOD, what would one offer to HIM to redeem, or exchange, one’s soul from death, and to purchase it back from ETERNAL Destruction?  What do YOU have that you might offer to HIM to accomplish such a feat?  Would you offer to HIM your house(s)?  Your car(s)?  Your bank account(s)?  Would you offer your child/ren?  Remember the words contained within the following verses: Corinthians 6:19-20, Psalm 50:10-12, and John 3:16.  Provided with this understanding, what can you GIVE that YAHVEH GOD Does Not Already Own?  You and this Instructor are totally INCAPABLE of offering to HIM ANYTHING but that which already Belongs To HIM.  This includes our lives, and it also includes our children, as well.  Keep in mind that HE Has Given HEAVEN’s Best Son to die for us.  What, then, can we offer to HIM?  The answer is a resounding NOTHING!”  We have absolutely NOTHING to give but one thing: a life of obedient service and commitment to HIM. 

John 11:10  “But if a man walk in the night, he stumbleth, because there is no light in him.”

Students, please take careful notice of the way in which this verse is written.  Notice the location in which the Light is said to be: WITHIN the man/woman, and NOT outside him/her.  This is certainly NOT speaking about any physical lamp, or other type of illumination.  This verse addresses a Spiritual Condition that is side to be a part of this individual.  When the Light is not present, the person is prone to stumble; over what is the person said to stumble?  Let us read some Scriptures to determine what causes the state of “stumbling”.

Proverbs 3:1  “MY son, forget not MY LAW; but let thine heart keep MY COMMANDMENTS:”

Most Precious Saints of GOD, how can ANYONE confuse, in any way, what is written in this verse?  Is it not as clear as Stuben Crystal?  Although it might initially appear to be a situation in which a natural father is giving a directive to his son, this Teacher wants Students to understand that this verse is actually YAHVEH Directing HIS Child to OBEY The COMMANDMENTS That HE Has Given.


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Proverbs 3:2  “For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall They Add To thee.”

Beloved, WHO can add a longer, and more peaceful, life to anyone than YAHVEH GOD?  This verse speaks, directly, to keeping YAHVEH’s COMMANDMENTS, and not merely the keeping of those of some mortal man.  Equipped with this understanding, please tell this Teacher how it is that ANYONE can teach/preach that The COMMANDMENTS of GOD have been “done away”, or that they are “no longer relevant” to the Christian Walk, today?  Such a teaching is in diametric OPPOSITION to The TRUTH of GOD’s Word (Matthew 5:19).  To do other than what is Instructed in this verse is to Walk in DARKNESS, which is being in OPPOSITION to GOD.

Proverbs 3:3  “Let not Mercy and Truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart [mind]:”

TheCOMMANDMENTS of GOD Provide us with two major areas of consideration:  MERCY and TRUTH.  We see WHERE we are Instructed to maintain these two significant possessions — upon the tables of our hearts/minds, rather than upon tables of stone, as GOD Did With Moses and the people of Israel.  Is this not what YAHVEH Said HE Would Do? (Jeremiah 31:33; II Corinthians 3:2-3)  This IS The NEW COVENANT!  Do you UNDERSTAND this?

“So shalt thou find Favour and good understanding in The Sight of GOD and man.”

In this verse, YAHVEH Is Allowing us to know HOW TO incur HIS FAVOR, as well as HOW TO gain a RIGHT UNDERSTANDING, or relationship, With HIM, and with Man-Types [Mankind], as well, through the KEEPING of The COMMANDMENTS.  This is WHY the writers can Truthfully say what they state in Romans 7:12, and Revelation 22:14.     

23  Then shalt thou Walk in thy Way safely and thy foot shall not stumble.”

If what this Teacher has stated to this point is True, and it is, would this not prevent one from stumbling about in Spiritual Darkness?  Would obedience to GOD’s COMMANDMENTS not bring us GOD’s LIGHT of RIGHTEOUSNESS and TRUTH?  Would it not Dispel the Darkness of the sin of doing things in one’s own way? (Proverbs 14:12)     


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Proverbs 3:24  “When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid: yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet.”

25  “Be not afraid of sudden fear, neither of the desolation of the wicked, when it cometh.”

26  For THE LORD Shall Be thy Confidence, and Shall Keep thy foot from being taken.”

Before this Teacher adds another word to this Lesson, given what these six verses have said, what would YOU say is the condition, or state, that allows one to stumble?  If you have said that it is the ABSENCE of GOD’s LAWS, or COMMANDMENTS, you would be absolutely CORRECT.  The failure to have a recognition of YAHVEH’s LAWS continually present in one’s life is to LACK The LIGHT that is necessary to avoid falling over those things that can cause one great dismay, and consternation in this life.  Let’s look, also, at the following verses.

Proverbs 4:13  “Take fast hold of INSTRUCTION; let her not go: keep her; for she is thy life.”

14  “Enter not into the path of the wicked, and go not in the way of evil men.”  

15  “Avoid it, pass not by it, turn from it, and pass away.”

18  “But The Path of the Just is as The Shining Light, that Shineth more and more unto The Perfect Day.”

In this verse, Students are being told that we, who FOLLOW YAHVEH’s COMMANDMENTS, will gain greater, and greater, awareness of The TRUTH of GOD, as we continue in HIS Words.  Is this not the SAME expression as that in Hosea 6:3, and that which is conveyed in John 16:13-15?

19  The way of the wicked is as darkness: they know not at what they stumble.”

Do you begin to gain a clearer sense of what it is that causes one to stumble?  It is not having The Light of Righteousness, Which Is YAHVEH’s LAW, To Guide one’s steps each day.  Do you also begin to gain greater awareness of the fact that these LAWS are NECESSARY to Righteousness [Right-Living], and CANNOT be “done away”, IF one is to possess a TRUE Standard of Righteous Character in one’s life?  It is the obedience to these LAWS that will actually determine whether one truly IS Righteous, or


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not.  There is NO other standard by which to make such an assessment.  In order to complete our thought in this area, let’s read the following verses, as well (Proverbs 4:25-27).

Luke 12:1  “In the meantime, when there were gathered together an innumerable multitude of people, insomuch that they trode [walked] one upon another, he began to say unto his Disciples/Talmidim, first of all, ‘Beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.’”

“For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid(den) that shall not be known.”

“Therefore, whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.”

These three verses present Bible Study Students with the great harm that HYPROCRISY presents in the life of any one of us: it will most certainly cause one to stumble.  Walking with hypocrisy in one’s life will indubitably bring about a state, or condition, of Spiritual Darkness, so that one becomes incapable of clearly SEEING one’s own condition.

What IS the HYPOCRISY of which this Teacher now speaks, and these verses address?  In order to avoid this area of DARKNESS, one must first acquire an understanding of just what it is.

HYPOCRISYHupokrisis:  (Greek 5272) – “Acting under a feigned (pretended) part; Deceit; An actor under an assumed character (stage-player).”

The HYPOCRITE is a person who PRETENDS to be what he/she KNOWS he/she is not.  Understand that a person can take on such a role in many varying ways.  Do you PRETEND to care about someone when you know that you do not?  That is hypocritical.  Do you PRETEND to have done something when you know that you did NOT get around to doing it?  Is this not hypocritical, as well?  Do you PRETEND that you are living a life that you KNOW you are not living?  This is the essence of hypocrisy.  Are you, or this Instructor, guilty of any one of these things, or all of them?  If so, you, and/or this Instructor, have/has allowed yourself, or myself, to become tainted by the sin of HYPOCRISY, and Walk in Spiritual Darkness until such is REPENTED of, and one TURNS AWAY from such behavior.  Continuing in this way, without REPENTANCE, will soon bring one to the point of becoming EVIL  


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John 3:20  “For everyone that doeth evil hateth The Light, neither cometh to The Light, lest his deeds Should Be Reproved.”

Who is THE LIGHT?  Do you remember what we read in John 8:12?  If one continues in hypocrisy, can one not be said to HATE The Light, Which we have established is Yeshua?  Remember that, in the true scheme of things, there is NO such thing as a middle ground: either one LOVES, or one HATES.  There exists NO such State, or Spiritual Condition, in which one might be permitted to declare that one “LIKES” another person: in The Realm of THE HOLY SPIRIT, such DOES NOT EXIST.  This verse makes it evident that one who does NOT possess a desire to be corrected of that one’s wrong deeds will NOT desire to know about The TRUTH that comes through knowing Yeshua, and that person will REFUSE to learn about the inappropriateness of his/her deeds, and lifestyle.  That person has come to LOVE his/her SINS, and will only PRETEND to live differently from the way in which he/she truly does live.  At such a point, he/she will have become a bonafide, twenty-four caret Gold HYPOCRITE, because he/she will foster NO desire to change, while continuing to attempt to fool others into thinking that he/she is living a changed life. 

Now, this Teacher would like to offer this caveat for our consideration:  just because one does NOT choose to tell EVERYTHING, to everyone, about one’s self, or one’s overall involvements in certain areas of one’s life, does NOT, in and of itself, suggest that one is a hypocrite.  Some things one might simply desire to maintain under the category of being personal.  This is called SECRECY, and should NOT be misconstrued to be anything other than that.  In order to be deemed hypocrisy, it would have to rise to the level of intentional cover-up and pretense regarding a known impropriety.


I Peter 2:9  “But ye are a Chosen Generation, a Royal Priesthood, and Holy Nation, a Peculiar People; that ye should SHOW FORTH THE PRAISES of HIM WHO Hath Called you out of Darkness Into HIS MARVELLOUS LIGHT.”

WORKS…WORKS are a considerable part of what this verse discusses, Beloved: it is the part of the verse that mentions “show[ing] forth [demonstrating] the praises…” (James 2:17)  HOW does one SHOW FORTH anything if it is not through what one DOES, or through one’s WORKS?  Understand, Beloved, that PRAISE is NOT simply some waving of the hands, singing of songs, or a statement of affirmation concerning GOD.  We PRAISE GOD through the WAY in which we LIVE our lives, each


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day; it is our RIGHTEOUS WORKS, or REASONABLE SERVICE (Romans 12:1).  This is a part of the meaning of I Peter 2:9.  Since YAHVEH Has Called us out of The Darkness of Sin, and Into HIS MARVELLOUS LIGHT of TRUTH, we are to live in accordance with The TRUTH that we learn.


The world, today, is full of Darkness, and that Darkness is growing ever more intense.  It is like going deeper, and deeper, into a tunnel that leads through a mountainside.  The intensity of the loss of light is becoming ever more noticeable to those that Walk in The LIGHT of GOD’s Presence and Understanding.  This Instructor is convinced that people are losing their sense of Right and Wrong, which some choose, today, to call a Moral Compass, as such persons become ever more desensitized to what is true, right, and appropriate.  Today, many young people learn absolutely NOTHING about GOD, as their parents teach them only that they should try to grab the Brass Ring, and become successes in life, as they strive to obtain everything that the world has to offer to them.  Few true Values are instilled, and Mores are becoming a consideration of the past.  Their Darkness grows ever more penetrating with the passage of each day.  

Lying, stealing, cheating, violence, hatred, profanity, disrespect, disobedience, and laziness, are but a FEW of the numerous negative indicators that so many are Walking in Darkness, today.  The LIGHT of GOD’s PRESENCE, That once Existed in the lives of some, has been allowed to burn down to a flicker, as those who are supposed to KNOW GOD have begun to take divergent paths to That Path Upon which HE Places all TRUE Believers.

Although such is true of the world, it is NOT true for those of us who have come to know, and love, our GOD.  HE Has Called, and we have answered, coming out of The Darkness of the sins that once were such a maximum part of our lives, Guided By The Brilliant LIGHT of HIS PRESENCE Within us.  We now Walk in a New Day, toward that Coming KINGDOM of HEAVEN that will envelop the entire Earth.  May YAHVEH GOD Grant that we will be found worthy to share in that Great Day.  Amen.

Until next time, Beloved …




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